Apr 14, 2022
Cuppa 35 of 40 - an energising tea between the Sacred Valley in Peru & London with Shaman, Feng Shui Consultant & Dream Weaver Davina Mackail & Rach.
Continuing the exploration of navigating chaos, inner wisdom & power. This tea treads the path of the inbetween, otherworlds & metaphysics. Davina shares lively stories...
Mar 31, 2022
Cuppa 34 of 40 - a tea between Liberia and London, lessons in history & bridging divides. Human & animal, multi-national organisation & indigenous community, women and men, borders & freedom. How do we hold polarities in both hands and explore new perspectives for a better world?
Letla, a highly respected leader,...
Mar 22, 2022
What do you value the most? What a question. Mac shares a powerful 10minute perspective shifting story over tea with Rachel, on what is actually the most valuable and precious thing on this planet and in our lives. I will keep the suspense - for you to listen for the answer.
This is an out-take from Cuppa 33, where we...
Feb 22, 2022
Oh its a goodie. How we bring indigenous wisdom into our modern day lives, transform our relationship to the earth, leadership and living fulfilled lives. Sustainability at it's core, in this rich tea, Mac & Rachel share stories offering ideas on a new way to lead, one that creates a future with integrity for...
Feb 17, 2022
3 times Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Scilla Elworthy has tea with Rach to talk practical ways to influence peace for us all. How we can affect and overcome conflict in the the world, in communities, relationships and within. We hear of the Mighty Heart in Action, her new book guiding practical action that can transform...