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Apr 23, 2021

Celia Bull from cuppa 17 of 40 for Tea and Rach Allan, have a quick tea, to explore her experience of 2020, answering: What did it smell, taste & sound like?  What did you learn & let go? What wisdom are you taking into 2021.

Celia, ex pro Climber, now pro skipper, saved the life of Paul Pritchard on the Totem Pole in...

Apr 12, 2021

Simple ordinary moments of Together over a cup of tea.  A place to explore perspectives and feel into being human in this new decade.  Rach Allan looks back at episode 1, what 40 for Tea is and why we are doing what we do. This is the half way point before Season 3 kicks off with 10 power house women.

I’ll be sharing...

Apr 8, 2021

Mindset with Emily Katz from episode 18 of 40 for Tea and Rach Allan.  In this short tea between Portland Oregon & London, they explore her experience of 2020, answering: What did it smell, taste & sound like?  What did you learn & let go? What wisdom are you taking into 2021.

2.11 - smell, taste & sound like

6.50 -...

Apr 1, 2021

Grief, death and leadership, Marion Thomas from episode 2 of 40 for Tea and Rach Allan.  In this short tea, they explore her experience of 2020, answering: What did it smell, taste & sound like?  What did you learn & let go? What wisdom are you taking into 2021.

3.40 - My experience of 2020

7.35 - Boundaries and how to...